Contact Ryan

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Direct: 602.206.6698

7am-10pm 7days/week




Encore Realty

21423 North 11th Avenue

Phoenix, Arizona 85027


Office: 602.938.2000

Ryan Denke, MBA


Originally from Wyoming, I have lived in the Phoenix area since 1997 and I wouldn't live anywhere else! I have a background in Electrical Engineering and a Master's in Business Administration. I have been a real estate agent focusing on residential real estate since 2004.


I specialize in the North, West, and Northwest Valley but I have sold real estate valley wide including the Casa Grand/Arizona City area. I have done many transactions in new construction, short-sales, bank-owned, and investment properties, and I am an active real estate investor. I enjoy working with experienced home buyers as well as first-timers.


Let me know what you're looking for. If it's not something I'm experienced with, I will partner with or refer you to someone on my team who is.


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